

    Sunday 20 August 2017

    The International Conference on Natural Products and Bioresource Science (ICONPROBIOS) 2017

    Call for Paper
    Balai Penelitian Teknologi Bahan Alam Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (BPTBA LIPI) akan menyelenggarakan konferensi The International Conference on Natural Products and Bioresource Science (ICONPROBIOS) 2017. Kegiatan ini mengundang kalangan akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan pemerintah untuk berpartisipasi sebagai presenter pada kegiatan yang bertemakan
    Natural Products for Sustainable Life”. 

    • Natural Products
    • Biologically Active Natural Products and Drugs
    • Marine Natural Products
    • Bioactive Metabolites form MIcrobes
    • Extraction Separation Science
    • Food Science and Technology
    • Food Processing and Food engineering
    • Food Packaging
    • Functional Food
    • Nutrogenomics
    • Feed Science and Technology
    • Ethnoveterinary
    • Bioresource for biofuels
    • Bioresource (including waste) recovery and recycling
    • Biorefinery and biotechnology
    • Bioresources for biobased chemicals and products
    • Bioremediation

    call for paper                      : February 6, 2017
    deadline submission full paper   : July 24, 2017

    Waktu dan tempat
    Acara dilaksanakan di Balai Kartini (Convention Center) Jakarta, Indonesia pada tanggal 23-24 Oktober 2017. 


    Jl Jogja Wonosari km 31,2 Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta, 55861
    Phone/fax : +62 274 392570 | +62 274 391168
    website     : situs.opi.lipi.go.i/iconprobios2017
    email        : iconprobios2017@lipi.go.id

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