

    Friday 11 August 2017

    The 3rd ICOIRS-PIT MAPIN XXIV 2017

    The 3rd International Conference of Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS) - PIT MAPIN XXIV 2017

    Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari hari jadi Universitas Diponegoro ke 60. Konferensi diselenggarakan oleh Indonesian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS/MAPIN), PUI-PKMBRP UNDIP, PUI-PPPJ LAPAN, BIG, dan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan UNDIP dengan mengusung tema " Global Cooperation for Conserving The Earth". Kegiatan ini juga didukung oleh International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Fakultas Tehnik dan PPIDS UNDIP.


    Sensor and PlatformSensor
    • Optical
    • Microwave
    • Lidar and others
    • Satellite
    • Airborne
    • Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
    Method development and Image Processing • Change Detection
    • Classification
    • Feature Extraction
    • Data Fusion and Data Mining
    • Calibration and Registration
    • 3D Modeling
    • Data Compression
    • Microwave and Lidar Proccessing
    • Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Processing

    Environmental Science • Earth Observation
    • Climate Change
    • Oceanography
    • Oil Spillage Monitoring
    • Ecology and Conservation
    • Archeology and Culture Heritage
    • Geology, Geography, and Geomorphology
    • Cryosphere

    Natural Resources
    • Oceanography
    • Land Cover and Land use
    • Forestry
    • Agriculture, Soil, and Crop
    • Land use cover change
    • Mining analysis and development
    • Urban development and planning
    • Plantation analysis and development
    • Sustainable fisheries

    Coastal and Marine • Coastal Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation
    • Fisheries and Aquaculture
    • Integration of Remote Sensing and Ocean Modeling
    • Shallow Waters Habitat Mapping
    • Coastal and Ocean Spatial Planning
    • Marine Cadaster

    Hazards • Flood/Drought
    • Tsunami
    • Earthquake
    • Landslide
    • Forest Fire
    • Volcanoe
    • Ocean hazards aspects

    Social Economic Science and Policy • Green economic development using Remote sensing
    • Sustainable spatial planning development using Remote sensing
    • Remote Sensing for accelerating development planning
    • Food security
    • Natural resources accounting based on Remote sensing

    Health Science
    • Geospatial Technology for Energy and Health Care.
    • Geospatial Technology for Social Sciences
    • Legal, Ethical and Social Issues

    • Capacity Building, Education, and Training
    • Outreach

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    • Spatial Database and Analysis
    • GIS modeling for special purposes assessment
    • Integrated Remote sensing and GIS analysis
    • Data Quality and Spatial Standard
    • Decision Support and Modeling
    • Visualization and Communication
    • Service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Cloud Computing
    • Web Map Service
    • Mobile GIS

    Mapping and Geospatial Information
    • Geospatial development supported by Remote sensing
    • Mobile Mapping
    • Photogrammetry and Surveying
    • Digital Photogrammetry
    • Digital Elevation Modeling
    • Space Program
    • Spatial data Infrastructure development and network
    • International Cooperation

    GPS and Global Navigation Satellite Systems
    • Global Positioning System (GPS) application
    • Navigation
    • Location-Based Service

    Pendaftaran abstrak ditunggu hingga 26 Juli 2017. Selengkapnya pendaftaran abstrak pada link berikut

    Waktu dan Tempat
    Acara diselenggarakan di Patra Semarang Hotel & Convention Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Candi Baru, Wonotingal, Candisari, Kota Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah 50252, Phone +62 024 8414141 pada tanggal 31 Oktober - 1 November 2017

    Email: icoirs2017@undip.ac.id
    Secretariate address:
    Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI)
    Pusat Kajian Mitigasi Bencana dan Rehabilitasi Pesisir (PKMBRP)
    Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
    Universitas Diponegoro
    UPT Laboratorium Terpadu 1st floor, Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang
    Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
    Phone: +62 274 521459, Email: icoirs3@undip.ac.id
    Website : http://pkmbrp.undip.ac.id/icoirs2017

    Putri Paripurnawati (+62 813 29941992) 
    Divta Pratama (+62 852 23288561) 
    Pangi S.T., MT. (+62 812 15456780)

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